Setup Your User's Access - Grant them permissions immediately.
Step 1: Login to as the office admin or portal owner
Step 2: Go to My Account, then Manage users
Step 3: Select User and update their access
User Permissions
Portal Role
Authorize the user to administer access to other users of your office. They will be able to invite others and setup access to software and integrations.
Software & Integrations
Jackets & Policy Submit
Select 'Commitment Number Request Only' and they'll receive commitments only or select 'Electronic Delivery of Fund Forms' and they'll receive electronic delivery of all forms.
Policy Payment
You can authorize the user for The Fund's electronic payment service. This allows the user to make the remittance to The Fund electronically through, Fund applications and integrations.
If you don't use DoubleTime or E-Closing DT, authorize the user to access ePolicyManager. This will allow the user receive policy jackets electronically through the web application.
If you have ATIDS XE, select ATIDS XE User or ATIDS XE Power User.
If you have WebATIDS, authorize them to use web application and other integrations.
If user will be creating Closing Protect Letters, authorize them to use the web application and other integrations.
Product Ordering
Select if the user submit orders through the web application and other integrations.