The calculators can be found in the resources section of the website.
Step 1: Select a Calculator and Login.
The ability to create the calculator widget is only available to users who are logged in.
Step 2: Create Calculator Widget
Click the button to create the customized calculator.
This will open a pop-up form on the website.
Step 3: Generate Embed Code
Clicking the Generate Embed Code button will create HTML code that can be copy/pasted to a Member's website.
Members can customize the calculator with their company's contact information.
FYI: Customization is limited to text on the results PDF that is generated based upon calculations.
Step 4: Copy Code & Paste to Your Website
Clicking the Copy button will copy the HTML code to the computer's clipboard. An window alert notification will display letting the user know that the code has been copied.
The Member can paste the code into the HTML of their website at their desired location.